Free Mandalas - Photo Gallery

Autor: Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková, zveřejněno 15. 12. 2012

With Free Mandala program you will get one mandala template with information about the colors, shapes, and uses of mandalas in different cultures once in every three weeks. You can also send your painted mandala to our gallery...

Mandalas are a traditional meditative tool. Therapists started using them thanks to C. G. Jung about 100 years ago. Today, mandalas are also drawn by the mystics for personal skills reinforcement, for connection with non-material beings or for healing and harmonization.

Mandalas can be used by anybody for all the purposes listed above or for the mere joy of creation and relaxation. Free Mandala is especially good for this. After subscribing, you will get one of our mandala templates once in every three weeks. You will also receive a review called “From the world of mandala”, including the information about the colors, shapes, and uses of mandalas in different cultures.

Autor článku


Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková

I am an arttherapist working with mandalas and mandala test.

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Společně pro děti

Opět jste tvořili se svými studenty ve školách, školkách, v práci s kolegy, na kafíčku s kamarádkou. Opět se nám sešly stovky mandal. Opět nebylo lehké vybrat z nich jen 53, které budou v našem stolním mandalovém kalendáři pro rok 2025.

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