Trauma work, yoga/body work

Individual sittings and sessions

max. 1 person, 20 €

Term is up to you

We meet in Centru Mandala, Opletalova 6, Brno

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For sudden changes

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Přihlaste se již dnes do kurzu Trauma work, yoga/body work

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For sudden changes

Odesláním formuláře souhlasíte obchodními podmínkami a s ochranou osobních údajů a potvrzujete, že jste se seznámili se zásadami ochrany osobních údajů podle kterých se řídíme.

Dáme vám vědět o novém termínu kurzu Trauma work, yoga/body work

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For sudden changes

Odesláním formuláře souhlasíte obchodními podmínkami a s ochranou osobních údajů a potvrzujete, že jste se seznámili se zásadami ochrany osobních údajů podle kterých se řídíme.

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Darujte poukaz na kurz Trauma work, yoga/body work

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For sudden changes

Odesláním formuláře souhlasíte obchodními podmínkami a s ochranou osobních údajů a potvrzujete, že jste se seznámili se zásadami ochrany osobních údajů podle kterých se řídíme.

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What do you get?

  • to help look at unresolved pains and issues - in the here and now
  • to help look into sources of unexplained physical pains and complaints
  • containment
  • to be an emphatic witness
  • to be a trauma and body informed guide

The course is for...

  • moving through and integrate difficult experiences

Work with Somatic Experiencing and NARM is done in a way of communication but with much focus on the body, on learning to recognize and orient internal physical sensation. The term "interoception" is coined as meaning perception of the internal environment, an important tool for our learning to know what is going on and what we need to self-regulate and heal.

The work is oriented both on nervous regulation and mental cognition as both are important together to create a coherent and integrated whole.

Healing trauma does not mean removing something that is wrong or fixing a problem. Rather the need is to help process the strong emotions which got stuck during the experience and integrate the event both physically and cognitively. In this process we often grow to a greater understanding and capacity for containing the complexity of life.

Work with Yoga as a tool for healing has a similar focus but working here directly with the body and movements to increase strength and resilience and release blockages. Communication is still an important part of the process so that we can go through it together in a supported way.

Here we will also include working with the breath, as it is through the breath that we tend to control and withhold our emotions and expressions as well as the gateway through which we can liberate them. The breath is also linked to the functions of the autonomic nervous system and can therefore be used to regulate for example states of stress.

Term is up to you

We meet in Centru Mandala, Opletalova 6, Brno

Sign up

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Term is up to you 32€ Only for one!

Kurzem vás provede Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková.

Více info a přihlášky

Kurz vede host

Janaki (Lene Jarstein)

Máte ke kurzu dotaz?
731 761 359

mandala stencil

Plastic template for creating mandalas

In stock

Plastic mandala stencil is a tool for making your own beautiful mandalas template. You will receive a sketchbook and photo instructions also.